Duranki (ドゥルアンキ, Duruanki) is a manga conceived and produced by Kentarou Miura and developed by Studio Gaga. It is inspired by Greek, Mesopotamian and Sumerian myths, with a setting likened to Anatolia. Its main character, Usumgallu, is a child with the ability to "think up unknown things" who is neither a god nor human, and neither male nor female.
It was announced in a page of Young Animal #17 (2019), and first published by Hakusensha on September 9, 2019 in the first issue of Young Animal Zero, in two episodes totaling 64 pages.[1]
Duranki is a Sumerian compound word made up of three composite words: Dur (meaning "link", or "bond"), An (meaning "Heaven", or "skies"), and Ki (meaning "Earth"); thus, it translates to "link between Heaven and Earth". Duranki is a term for the Sumerian people themselves, affirming the intimate relationship between them and their pantheon of gods.
- The Ekur (Sumerian: "mountain house") was a temple closely associated with the god Enlil in the city of Nippur, and was the most revered and sacred building in ancient Sumer. It was also called Eduranki (Sumerian: "house of the link between Heaven and Earth"). This was the Sumerians' acknowledgement of their gods having both temples on Earth and abodes in Heaven.
- Duranki is the second manga based on Mesopotamian mythology, the first being Gilgamesh.
- ↑ Twitter :: Young Animal's announcement of Duranki